As the masterpieces of Tang Xianzu, an eminent dramatist in Ming Dynasty, the two opera embody the author’s value philosophy and echo with the function of the text. However, in the current research, research on the construction and interpretation of Zen aesthetics in English translation is still in lack. From the perspective of the poetics of translation criticism, this paper aims to take The Nanke Dream and The Handan Dream, which are infiltrated with Buddhism and Taoism philosophy, taking the text translated by Chinese translator Wang Rongpei as the research object, to further critically analyze the translation of Zen aesthetics embodied in lyrics in two operas. We can conclude that Wang’s translation faithfully conveys Zen Buddhism in the English translation to the largest extent in lyrics through aesthetic construction, literariness generation, and the tension of text translation, making the gap in the interpretation of abstract thoughts filled and the Zen aesthetic reconstruction basically completed.
Modern Linguistics