多年来,中国主流媒体一直是展现女性形象和反映社会对女性关注的重要平台。本文旨在分析中国八家著名媒体在2024年三月八号前后一周内的报道,探讨中国主流媒体在报道中对现代女性的关注方面和形象构建等问题。研究采用Wolfgang Teubert的意义话语观和基于语料库的方法进行话语分析。研究发现,中国主流媒体在三八妇女节的报道中主要关注五大方面:女性力量与贡献、性别和权利平等、职业与职场、家庭与家风、美丽与自信。媒体塑造了多种新时代女性形象,这些形象丰富多样,鲜明立体,打破了传统上单一的女性形象,展现了现代女性的多样性和复杂性。本研究为理解中国主流媒体对现代女性的关注和形象构建提供了新的视角和方法。
Over the years, China’s mainstream media have served as important platforms for presenting the image of women and reflecting society’s attention to women’s issues. This paper aims to analyze the coverage by eight prominent Chinese media outlets during the week surrounding March 8, 2024, exploring the focus on and construction of modern women’s images in Chinese mainstream media reports. The study employs Wolfgang Teubert’s Paraphrase Theory and a corpus-based approach to discourse analysis. The findings reveal that Chinese mainstream media reports on International Women’s Day primarily focus on five areas: women’s power and contributions, gender and rights equality, careers and workplaces, family and family values, and beauty and confidence. The media have constructed various images of contemporary women, which are rich, diverse, and well-defined, breaking away from traditional singular female stereotypes and showcasing the diversity and complexity of modern women. This study provides new perspectives and methods for understanding the attention to and construction of modern women’s images by Chinese mainstream media.
Modern Linguistics