电催化制氢作为新能源技术的一个重要方向,在新能源体系中扮演着核心角色。本文从词汇和语句层面分析了电催化制氢领域英语文本的语言特点,并探讨了该类型文本的汉译策略,助力科研人员对该领域英文文献的理解,以期促进国际技术交流与合作。Electrocatalytic hydrogen generation, as a vital direction in the new energy technology, plays a pivotal role in the evolving energy paradigm. The paper analyzes the linguistic characteristics of English texts in the field of electrocatalytic hydrogen production from both lexical and syntactic perspectives, and discusses the translation strategies for such texts into Chinese, aiming to assist researchers in comprehending English literature in this domain and thereby fostering international technological exchange and cooperation.
Modern Linguistics