作为翻译学的一个新的研究角度,社会翻译学是一门庞大的学科,文章主要聚焦于其中一个流派——布尔迪厄的反思性社会学理论,借鉴其核心概念:域场、惯习和资本,对知识与艺术作品的生产实践进行分析,本文主要针对社科文本《村落的终结:羊城村的故事》英译本进行评论,借鉴王洪涛的分析步骤,从文化场域到译者惯习、从译者惯习到翻译策略、从翻译策略到译本特点三个角度对译本分析,研究发现译者在翻译时常采用归化的策略、意译的方法以及增译的技巧,以读者为导向,尽量解决目标语读者范围广,能力亦有层次的问题。希望此研究为社科文本的外译提供新的思路与思考。Sociology-translation studies is a big word. Based on Pierre Bourgeoisie’s reflective sociology, the present paper adopts methodological relationalism and the expanded analytic model of the reflexive sociology. It examines the translators’ habitus developed in specific fields, the translation strategies shaped by the habitus and the textual features of the translation produced by using different translation strategies. It attempts to uncover the logic underlying the success of the translation, hoping to shed fresh light on the international transmission of Chinese social science text.
Modern Linguistics