身份认同关乎到个体在社群中是否感受得到认可与融入,相比于流动性较强的大学而言,高中是一个一定数量的固定人群长期相处形成稳定社群的阶段。本研究采用了社会语言学中民族志的研究方法,以学生的身份在北京一高中学习生活三年,并在两年后对同学进行了线上调查,探讨朋辈对高中时期“商业互吹”的看法。研究发现,朋辈间的“商业互吹”行为确实形成了言语共同体的言语体系,它所塑造的朋辈间的身份认同符合身份认同动态性、多重性和协商建立这三个基本特征。适当使用“商业互吹”进行日常沟通交流有助于高中生融入社群,获得身份认同。The study of identity involves whether individuals feel recognized and integrated within their community. In contrast to universities, which tend to have more fluid populations, high schools represent a stage where a fixed group of individuals interacts over a prolonged period, forming stable social communities. This research applied ethnographic methods from sociolinguistics to examine students’ identities during three years of study at a high school in Beijing. Two years later, an online survey was conducted among classmates to explore their perceptions of “commercial boasting” during high school. The study revealed that the practice of “commercial boasting” among peers indeed shaped a linguistic community’s system of language. The peer identities formed through this behavior align with three fundamental characteristics of identity formation: dynamism, multiplicity, and negotiated establishment. Appropriately using “commercial boasting” in daily communication facilitates high school students' integration into their community and enhances their sense of identity.
Modern Linguistics