《聊斋志异》作为中国古代志怪小说的代表之一,其艺术水平和思想内涵都有较高地位。文章从接受美学视角对《聊斋志异•梦狼》的两个英译本,即翟理斯版和杨宪益版译本进行对比分析,探讨译本的形成以及译者的翻译策略如何影响译本所呈现出的效果。研究发现,尽管译文都有其不足之处,但都尽量贴合了那个时代的读者,尽可能切近读者的期待视野,同时也填补了译本内容的空白。这在一定程度上实现了跨文化交际的目的。As one of the representative works of ancient Chinese supernatural fiction, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio (Liaozhai Zhiyi) holds a high status in terms of artistic level and ideological content. This paper conducts a comparative analysis of two English translations of Liaozhai Zhiyi • Meng Lang, namely the versions by Herbert Allen Giles and Yang Xianyi, from the perspective of reception aesthetics, exploring how the formation of the translations and the translators’ strategies affect the effect presented by the translations. The study finds that although there are shortcomings in the translations, they both strive to cater to the readers of their times, trying to meet the readers’ horizon of expectations as much as possible, while also filling the gaps in the content of the translations. To some extent, this has achieved the purpose of cross-cultural communication.
Modern Linguistics