莎士比亚的长诗《维纳斯与阿多尼》语言华丽,修辞繁复,风格优雅。翻译家张谷若坚持“地道”的翻译原则,充分运用汉语诗歌的手段,译诗文字典雅凝重,细腻传神。他运用同音、行内韵和尾韵等语音手段,大量使用双声词、叠韵词以及叠词等,根据人物的形象、性格和情感的变化,使用响亮程度不同的汉语词曲韵辙,使译诗音声高低相和,富有节奏和韵味。他使用“以文绘画”的手法,通过具体化和增译等技巧,使译诗在故事叙事、形象塑造、环境描写、动作描写、心理刻画等方面都细腻、真实、生动、传神。文章以阐释学翻译理论为指导,对张谷若先生的译本进行赏析,研究张谷若先生在翻译过程中如何对原文内容、结构、以及韵律进行阐释,旨在给予文学诗歌相关领域的译者以启发。Shakespeare’s poem Venus and Adonis is rich in language, complex in rhetoric and elegant in style. The translator Zhang Guruo adheres to the principle of “authentic” translation, fully utilizes the means of Chinese poetry, and translates the poem in an elegant, dignified and delicate manner. He utilized phonetic devices such as assonance, internal rhyme and end rhyme, and made extensive use of double-sounding words, rhyming words and superlatives. According to the changes in the image, character and emotion of the characters, he used Chinese rhymes with different degrees of loudness so that the translated poems were in harmony with the sounds of the characters and were full of rhythm and flavor. He uses the technique of “painting with words” to make the translated poems delicate, true, and vivid in storytelling, image building, environment description, action description, psychological portrayal and so on by means of concretization and augmentation of translation. This paper takes hermeneutic translation as a guide to analyze Mr. Zhang Guoruo’s translations, and studies how Mr. Zhang interpreted the content, structure, and rhythm of the original texts in the process of translation, aiming to give inspiration to the translators in fields related to literary poetry.
Modern Linguistics