情绪不仅是我们头脑中的抽象概念,而且与我们的身体密切相关。现实生活中情绪的出现伴随着身体动作、表情或声音的变化,我们在判断一个人的情绪如何时,也会将三者整合在一起得出结果。正因如此,人类语言中也发展出了许多借助身体动作来描述情绪的表达。但是,由于社会环境、文化背景以及认知因素等差异,不同语言中表达情绪的身体动作词也存在差异性。本文基于具身语义学的相关理论框架,对英、汉语言体系中形容“快乐”情绪的身体动作词进行比较研究,以期揭示不同语言和文化在“快乐”情绪具身表达中的共性和差异,并探讨背后的原因。Emotions are not only abstract concepts in our minds, but also closely related to our bodies. In real life, the emergence of emotions is accompanied by changes in body movements, expressions, or sounds. When we judge a person’s emotions, we also integrate the three together to obtain a result. As a result, human language has also developed many expressions that use body movements to describe emotions. However, due to differences in social environment, cultural background, and cognitive factors, there are also differences in the body action words used to express emotions in different languages. This article is based on the relevant theoretical framework of embodied semantics, and compares the body action words describing the emotion of “happiness” in the English and Chinese language systems, in order to reveal the commonalities and differences in embodied expression of “happiness” emotions in different languages and cultures, and explore the reasons behind them.
Modern Linguistics