自杜威开创教育伦理学先河以来,教育伦理学作为一门独立的学科日益受到众多学者的关注。本文从儿童教育伦理学的教育、反思和社会文化三个方面,对《夏洛的网》康馨译本和任溶溶译本进行对比分析。研究结论表明:译者对儿童教育伦理学的关照程度越高,译本在儿童受众中的接受度也越高。因此,译者必须遵循英语儿童文学的汉译原则,兼顾适合儿童读者认知的译本反思性,将汉译本的社会文化接受度考虑其中。唯有以儿童读者为中心,才能更好地实现原作与目标读者的交流,产出更贴近儿童读者的译本。Educational ethics, as an independent discipline, has attracted more and more attention from many scholars since Dewey pioneered educational ethics. This paper compares and analyzes the two Chinese versions of “Charlotte’s Web” by Kang Xin and Ren Rongorongo from perspectives of education, reflection and social culture of children’s educational ethics. It can be concluded that the more the translator’s attention are paid to the children’s educational ethics, the better the acceptance of the translation among children’s audiences is made. When translating, translators need to follow the principles of Chinese translation of English children’s literature, and take the children’s reflective nature of the Chinese translation into account, and finally the socio-cultural acceptability of the Chinese translation. Only by focusing on child readers, can the communication between the source text and target readership better achieved, thus a better-accepted target text by the children can be produced.
Modern Linguistics