网络在影响人们多方面的生活的同时,也影响着人们的语言生活。随着互联网的快速发展与新媒体的广泛应用,网络语言成为了网民日常交流中最重要的交际工具。与日常用语不同形式、不同用法的各式新词语的出现丰富了网络语言这一体系,并且凸显出其简洁、经济、新颖等特点。粉丝网络用语是网络语言中一类特殊的语言现象,是粉丝群体在社交网络上进行追星活动时,彼此进行交流时使用的网络语言,粉丝网络用语属于网络语言的一部分。从语言学的角度来看,网络用语是一种社会方言,是一种语言变体。社会语言学作为语言学的一门重要分支,研究语言同社会的相互作用及相互关系,它主要研究的是语言及其各种变体、语言社区、语言转换和语言规划等领域。根据研究的对象的不同,社会语言学可以分为宏观社会语言学和微观社会语言学。前者主要研究语言的整体性的相关问题,后者则主要研究各种社会条件下语言的变异,即语言变体。本文中所提到的网络语言属于一种语言变体,则应该放在微观社会语言学的范畴内来研究。而从社会语言学的角度来看,也可以把粉丝网络用语看作是专属于粉丝群体的“隐语行话”。粉丝网络用语作为一门较新兴的社会语言变体形式,到目前为止学界对此的研究较少。本文在社会语言学之语言变体的理论背景下,分析粉丝群体网络用语中的语言变体和其产生的原因及特点,从而对粉丝网络用语有更深入的认识并对其中存在的问题提出一些建议,希望能为网络语言的研究与规范使用提供参考。The internet affects people’s lives in many ways, and it also impacts their linguistic lives. With the rapid development of the internet and the widespread use of new media, internet language has become the most important communication tool in the daily interactions of internet users. The emergence of a variety of new words, with forms and usages different from standard language, has enriched the system of online language and highlighted its simplicity, efficiency, and novelty. Fan-related internet languages are a particular type of internet language, used by fan groups when they communicate with each other on social networks as part of their star-following activities. From a linguistic point of view, internet language is a social dialect, a linguistic variant. Sociolinguistics, as an important branch of linguistics, studies the interaction and interrelationship between language and society, focusing on language and its variants, speech communities, language change, and language planning. Depending on the object of study, sociolinguistics can be divided into macro-sociolinguistics and micro-sociolinguistics. The former focuses on issues related to the entirety of language, while the latter examines language variation under various social conditions, that is, linguistic variants. The internet language mentioned in this article is a linguistic variant and should be studied within the context of micro-sociolinguistics. From a sociolinguistic perspective, fan-related internet language can also be considered as the cryptic jargon of a fan group. As a relatively new form of sociolinguistic variation, this subject has received little research attention so far. In this article, we analyze the linguistic variants of fan-related internet language, as well as their causes and characteristics, in the context of the theoretical background of linguistic variants in sociolinguistics, to better understand fan-related internet language and to offer some suggestions on the existing issues, in the hope of providing a reference for research and the standardization of internet language usage.
Modern Linguistics