本研究在梳理国内外有关心理资本及创业意愿的研究文献的基础上,运用创业心理资本和创业意愿成熟量表,对研究生创业心理资本与创业意愿的关系进行了探索,调查结果发现,1) 研究生创业心理资本在性别、专业、年级上没有显著差异,在生源地方面,自信乐观、善于交际以及心理资本总体差异明显。2) 研究生创业意向与创业心理资本的两个维度即事务型心理资本和人际型心理资本及各因子呈显著正相关,自信乐观、坚韧进取子维度对创业意向有显著的正向预测作用,真诚奉献的具有反向预测作用,大学生创业心理资本作为核心构念正向预测力最强。
On the basis of review of domestic and foreign research about psychological capital and entrepre-neurial intentions of postgraduate students, this paper explores the relationship between psy-chological capital and entrepreneurial intention of postgraduate. Using Zhang Shuang’s formal questionnaire of postgraduate entrepreneurial psychological capital, this paper investigates the status and characteristics of the psychological capital of postgraduate students. The results show that: 1) There is no significant difference in gender, major and grade of the psychological capital of postgraduate students. But in respect of tenacity and self-confidence and good communication, students from different regions have significant differences. 2) There is a significant positive cor-relation between postgraduate entrepreneurial intention and psychological capital including transactional psychological capital, interpersonal psychological capital and their subdimensions. Tenacity and self-confidence, optimism and self-confidence, sincere dedication have a significant positive predictive effect on entrepreneurial intention. In particular, the psychological capital of postgraduate students as the core construct is the most predictive factor.
Modern Management