It has made considerable achievements in academic circles both at home and abroad on the re-search of inter-firm opportunism in the circumstances of cooperative relationship. Inter-firm op-portunism is the behavior of a trading party in a cooperative relationship, which violates the re-quirements of contracts or relational contracts, makes the opportunist party gain interest and en-croach on the interests of the other party, and then brings many adverse effects to cooperation. In addition to the incomplete contract, the antecedents of inter-firm opportunism include many fac-tors such as environment, cooperation task, power, principal-agent, inter-organization structure. The governance strategies of inter-firm opportunism include the binary relationship governance and the network relationship governance. The academic field studies the binary relationship gov-ernance from the perspective of independent effect, combination effect and contingency perspective of formal governance and relationship governance. Furthermore, we prospect the further research.
Modern Management