目的:本文从国家电网基层供电公司党务工作者的视角,深入探究政治能力在电力系统中的内涵。方法:采用协商一致的质性研究(CQR)方法,对12名J省S市供电公司的优秀党务工作者进行行为事件访谈和焦点小组座谈,以搜集数据并进行分析。结果:国家电网基层供电公司党务工作者对政治能力的概念认识比较一致,认为政治能力在基层供电公司就是“人心凝聚的能力”;且与“人心凝聚”的政治能力相关的领域有4个,分别是政治智慧、政治品质、执行能力、自我革新。结论:① 国家电网基层供电公司党务工作者政治能力的内涵具有丰富性,兼具党政机关侧重思想态度层面要求,以及与民营企业侧重知识能力层面要求的特点;② 国家电网基层供电公司党务工作者政治能力的内涵与习总书记关于政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力的论述一致,是对“政治三力”的具体化与补充;③ 国家电网基层供电公司党务工作者面临着党务工作如何助力生产任务的挑战,造就了供电公司党务工作者政治能力内涵的特殊性。
Objective: This article explores the definition and connotation of political ability from the perspective of party workers in primary power supply companies of State Grid in China. Methods: Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method was used to analyze the data collected through behavioral event interview and focus group discussions of 12 party workers from S city’s power supply company in J province. Results: It is found that the party workers in the primary power supply company have a relatively consistent understanding of the connotation of political capacity, that they believe political capacity is the “capability of cohering public feeling”, and there are 4 domains related to the political ability, namely political intelligence, political character, executive capability, and self-renewal. Conclusion: 1) The connotation of the political capacity in the eyes of party workers in the primary power supply company is rich;it has both the requirements in Party and Government Bodies focusing on the ideological and attitude, and the requirements of the private enterprises focusing on the knowledge and ability. 2) The connotation of the political capacity in the eyes of party workers in the primary power supply company is consistent with General Secretary Xi’s elaboration on political capacity, which is the conformation and supplement of political judgment, political perception and political execution. 3) Party workers in primary power supply companies are faced with the challenge of how the party work can help the production tasks, which leads to the particularity of the connotation of political ability in primary power supply companies of China.
Modern Management