
城市社区“嵌入式”养老服务模式研究——以成都市为例 被引量:1

Research on the “Embedded” Elderly Care Service Mode in Urban Community—A Case Study of Chengdu
摘要 嵌入式养老服务作为一种新兴的养老模式为应对中国社会深度老龄化提供了一种新思路。当前,由于传统的养老模式成本高、受众面窄、服务水平存在差异等因素,中国社会养老服务面临严峻的考验。本文通过介绍中国社会养老问题所受到的严峻挑战从而引出嵌入式养老新模式的独特优势,其后对成都市嵌入式养老试点项目的典型社区发展概况进行介绍,最后通过对成都市嵌入式项目创新服务的总结提出具有普适性的发展经验以求更好地推进新模式的发展。 Embedded pension service, as an emerging pension model, provides a new way to deal with the deep aging of Chinese society. At present, due to the traditional pension model of high cost, narrow audience, service level differences and other factors, China’s social pension services are facing a severe test. This paper introduces the severe challenges faced by China’s social pension problems, thus leading to the unique advantages of the new model of embedded pension, and then introduces the typical community development overview of the pilot project of embedded pension in Chengdu. Finally, through the summary of the innovative service of embedded project in Chengdu, it puts forward the universal development experience in order to better promote the development of the new model.
作者 禹佳景
出处 《现代管理》 2023年第2期116-123,共8页 Modern Management
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