加快发展新质生产力,是新时代背景下推动中国经济高质量发展、构筑竞争新优势、赢得发展主动权的题中应有之义。从基本内涵来看,新质生产力是由技术革命性突破、生产要素创新性配置、产业深度转型升级而催生的先进生产力质态,是劳动者、劳动资料、劳动对象及其优化组合的跃升;从时代特征来看,新质生产力摆脱传统经济增长方式,具有创新、开放、绿色、人本特征;从理论逻辑来看,新质生产力主要从技术的颠覆性突破、生产要素的创新整合、战略性新兴产业的兴起与传统产业的深度转型升级四个方面赋能经济高质量发展;从实现路径来看,要以科技创新为根本驱动力,深化体制机制改革,培养适应新质生产力发展需求的高素质人才,加快建设现代化产业体系,推动经济高质量发展。Accelerating the development of new quality productive forces is the key to promoting the high-quality development of China’s economy, building new competitive advantages and winning the initiative for development in the context of the new era. From the basic connotation, the new quality productive forces is the advanced quality of productive forces spawned by revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries, and it is a leap in the optimized combination of laborers, labor materials, labor objects, and their combinations. From the perspective of the characteristics of the times, the new quality productive forces is free from the traditional mode of economic growth, and it has the characteristics of innovation, openness, greenness, and humanity. From the perspective of theoretical logic, the new quality productive forces mainly empowers the high-quality development of economy from four aspects: subversive breakthroughs in technology, innovative integration of production factors, the emergence of strategic emerging industries and the deep transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. From the perspective of the realization path, it is necessary to take scientific and technological innovation as the fundamental driving force, deepen the reform of the system and mechanism, cultivate high-quality talents adapted to the needs of the development of the new quality productive forces, accelerate the construction of the modernization of the industrial system, and push the high-quality development of economy.
Modern Management