Studies on the theories and practice indicate repeatedly that it is less and less fruitful but more and more expensive for the online companies to generate helpful word-of-mouse in the online community. In other words, Internet word-of-mouse marketing tends to become costly but ineffective. Bases on the results of previous word-of-mouth and word-of-mouse motives and behavior studies, our study focuses on word-of-mouse motives and behavior in the online community, and investigates three types of word-of-mouse feedback, which are asking questions, making comments and providing experiences, as well as three types of re-word-of-mouse behavior, which are answering questions, adding attitude and providing more experiences. This study identifies the mediating effect of self-involvement and other-involvement motives on the relationship between word- of-mouse feedback and re-word-of-mouse behavior, as well as different types of re-word-of-mouse that are induced by different types of motives. It is believed that by identifying and tracking initial word-of-mouse senders in the online community and generating their re-word-of-mouse will be really helpful to decrease the marketing expense but increase the marketing performance for online companies.
Modern Marketing