Taking the front suspension of a pickup truck with double wishboneas the research object, the sus-pension dynamics virtual prototype model was established in ADAMS/Car, and the parallel wheel travel simulation analysis was carried out on the multi-body dynamics model. The results show that the variation range of wheel positioning parameters of camber angle, caster angle and toe angle is unreasonable. Then, ADAMS/INSIGHT is used to analyze the sensitivity of the positioning parame-ters that do not meet the requirements, and obtain the coordinates of hardpoints that have great influence on the positioning parameters. Finally, the ISIGHT platform and the second generation of multi-objective genetic optimization algorithm NSGA-II were used to optimize the variation range of camber angle, caster angle and toe angle. The results show that the optimized positioning parame-ters reach the ideal range of variation, and the kinematic characteristics of suspension are im-proved, which proves the feasibility of the optimization method.
Modeling and Simulation