For IRS-assisted large-scale MIMO systems, most studies need to be based on channel state infor-mation known, and IRS is usually passive relay, with high pilot overhead and challenging channel estimation. To this end, a hybrid IRS architecture containing active and passive components is in-troduced. A small number of RF links are used to receive upstream pilot signals sent by users. The sparse characteristics of millimeter wave channels are utilized to reconstruct the channels by com-pressed sensing algorithm to reduce pilot losses. Considering that the channel is a complex matrix, traditional methods separate the real and imaginary parts into the network for training, which will lose some information of the channel. Therefore, an attention-guided complex depth denoising neural network AM-DnCNN is introduced. In this network, the channel can be regarded as a two-dimensional matrix with noise for training. Attention mechanism is introduced to enhance the noise characteristics of the channel. The network outputs the noise matrix and reconstructs the de-noised channel matrix. The simulation results show that the proposed method can use fewer pi-lots to obtain better channel state information, effectively reduce pilot loss, and the network also has good robustness under different number of paths and different SNR.
Modeling and Simulation