

An Effective Prevent Side Impact the Structure of the Door Unlocked
摘要 本文使用HyperMesh搭建了某款车型侧面碰撞有限元模型,并使用LS-DYNA对车辆的耐撞性进行仿真分析,仿真结果显示:车辆B柱的侵入量和车门的侵入速度满足预定的目标值,但是碰撞过程中车门变形过大,存在解锁风险。为了解决这一问题,根据以往的工程经验,对车门内部的加强版进行优化设计,优化后车门耐撞性显著提高,且试验结果满足预期目标。 This article uses HyperMesh to build a finite element model of a certain vehicle model for side impact, and uses LS-DYNA to simulate and analyze the vehicle’s crashworthiness. The simulation results show that the intrusion amount of the vehicle’s B-pillar and the intrusion speed of the door meet the predetermined target values, but the door deformation during the collision process is too large, posing a risk of unlocking. In order to solve this problem, based on past engineering experience, the reinforced version of the door interior was optimized and designed. After optimization, the door’s crashworthiness was significantly improved, and the test results met the expected goals.
出处 《建模与仿真》 2023年第4期3441-3449,共9页 Modeling and Simulation
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