Although deep learning image segmentation techniques have achieved good results in medical image processing, most of the existing segmentation methods still face great challenges in acquiring the sensory field and extracting the image feature information due to the fact that diuretic renal dynamic imaging is characterised by significant noise, low contrast, poor image quality, and unclear boundaries. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a new automatic renal parenchyma segmentation algorithm, which employs a Swin-Transformer encoder and decoder, and combines a feature Enhancement module, a successive dilation convolution module, and a deep attention module. The spatial pyramid pooling module in the feature Enhancement module compensates for spatial representations and produces multi-scale representations. Sequential Expansion Convolution can expand the sensory field by capturing multiscale context aggregation. The Attention module addresses the semantic gap between encoder and decoder features by sequentially capturing relationships between multiscale encoder features. The algorithm is applied to a private diuretic nephrography dataset. The results of simulation experiments show that the method can significantly improve the performance of renal segmentation compared to other deep learning segmentation methods.
Modeling and Simulation