本文讨论爱因斯坦引力场方程,首先证明作为引力源的压强p必须取负值,在弱场近似下与物质密度ρ有关系p=−ρ,然后以此为前提,把引力场方程里的耦合常数由原来的−8πG修正为4πG,完善和改进了引力理论基础。给出物质连续生成的循环膨胀的宇宙演化模型,星系或星体被证明是随着空间的膨胀而不断增长形成的,新物质在天体或星系内连续生成,这个过程一直在进行。给出天体或星系的质量、半径和温度随时间变化的公式。导出与观测一致的新的距离红移关系,消除现有引力理论及宇宙学里的各种疑难问题。证明暗能量是物质内的总结合能,不是独立的存在。This article discusses the general relativistic gravitational field equation. It is first proven that the pressure p acting as the gravitational source under the weak field approximation is negative and has a relation p=−ρwith the density ρof matter. Based on this, the coupling constant in the gravitational field equation is modified from the original −8πGto the current 4πG, improving and perfecting the theoretical foundation of gravitation. A model of the evolution of the universe with a cyclic expansion in which matter is continuously generated turns out. Galaxies or celestial bodies have been proven to grow continuously with the expansion of space, and new matter is continuously generated within celestial bodies or galaxies, and this process is always going on. The evolution formulas of stellar’s mass and radius over time are provided, and a new distance-redshift relation consistent with observations is derived, eliminating the based difficulties in existing theories of gravitation and cosmology. Dark energy is the total binding energy of matter and does not exist independently.
Modern Physics