In order to explore the properties of warm mixed rubber asphalt affected by short-term aging in the construction process, this paper simulated the short-term aging in the construction process by conducting indoor asphalt rotary film heating test (RTFOT) on warm mixed rubber asphalt. The influence was evaluated by the changes of conventional performance indexes (including three asphalt indexes, elastic recovery, rotating viscosity at 180˚C) and rheological properties indexes (ruting factor G*/sinδ, fatigue factor G*sinδ, creep stiffness modulus S and creep rate m) before and after short-term aging. The results show that short-term aging can improve the high temperature performance, elastic recovery ability and construction performance of warm mixed rubber asphalt, but damage the low temperature performance and anti-fatigue performance. In the subsequent construction application of the same type, the quality control of low temperature performance and anti-fatigue performance indexes should be strengthened.
Material Sciences