在能源短缺和环境污染日益严重的今天,节能降耗、提高经济效益变得越来越重要。从保温材料出发,节约建筑能耗迫在眉睫。本研究针对纳米陶瓷珠保温隔热材料进行了全面测试。研究表明,外墙加涂7 mm涂层,等效热阻能够达到0.744 (m2•K)/W,整体墙体的传热系数已能够满足外墙传热系数限值的最小要求。
Nowadays, energy shortage and environmental pollution are becoming more and more serious. It is more and more important to save energy, reduce consumption and improve economic efficiency. Starting from insulation materials, saving building energy consumption is imminent. In this study, the thermal insulation materials of nano ceramic beads were tested comprehensively. The results show that the equivalent thermal resistance can reach 0.744 (m2•K)/W when the outer wall is coated with 7 mm coating, and the heat transfer coefficient of the whole wall can meet the minimum requirements of the outer wall heat transfer coefficient limit.
Material Sciences