

Construction of Modern Corporate Governance Structure of Railway Group Company
摘要 本文是在铁路局集团公司完成公司制改革的基础上,借鉴国内外典型铁路企业及我国可比行业中典型企业的公司治理经验,结合铁路总公司改革要求及铁路局集团公司实际情况,探讨了铁路集团公司现代企业法人治理结构建设中遇到的难点问题,论述了网络型产业特征对铁路集团公司现代企业法人治理结构的建设影响,提出了铁路集团公司现代法人治理结构的建设的若干措施建议。 Based on the comprehensive completion of the company system reform of the Railway Admin-istration Group Company,this paper fully draws lessons from the corporate governance experience of typical domestic and foreign railway enterprises and excellent enterprises in comparable industries in China,and combines the requirements of the company system reform of the head of-fice with the actual situation of the Railway Administration Group Company,discusses the difficul-ties encountered in the construction of the modern corporate governance structure of the Railway Group Company.The characteristics of railway network industry require that the corporate gov-ernance structure of Railway Group is different from that of traditional enterprises.This paper focuses on the governance structure of these special requirements,and finally puts forward some measures and suggestions for the construction of corporate governance structure of Railway Group Company.
出处 《管理科学与工程》 2019年第3期232-237,共6页 Management Science and Engineering
基金 “兰州铁路集团公司现代法人治理结构建设研究”(编号2017Z002-G)课题资助。
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