Promoting the abilities of R&D and innovation for enterprises has become an important way to fight the competition crisis.The amount of high-tech enterprises in China spending in R&D investments increases year by year,however,there is still some pace with those in America.In this study,the comparisons are first conducted in R&D output,global ranking of R&D investment,R&D management of enterprises between China and America.Then,the representative high-tech en-terprises in R&D and innovation are chosen for in-depth analysis.The main conclusions of this paper are as follows.Firstly,remarkable negative relationship between the American high-tech enterprises R&D intensity and the return on assets is obtained,and there is a lag effect.Secondly,the R&D intensity has positive effect on the enterprise’business income growth rate for high-tech enterprises both in China and America,and more obviously in America.Thirdly,the asset-liability ratio and firm size of Chinese high-tech enterprises have significant effects on enterprise’s R&D activities,but this effect is not significant for those in America.Fourthly,the industry distribution of American high-tech enterprise is more concentrated than that in China,and the differences be-tween R&D input scale in different industry are larger in America.Lastly,the Chinese government subsidies can promote the R&D activities of high-tech enterprises.
Management Science and Engineering