以襄阳某商务大楼项目为例,深入探讨了大面积基坑底板施工中的关键技术。重点分析了施工缝的位置选择与处理、防水设计与施工以及不均匀沉降控制措施。研究结果表明,通过合理的施工缝布置、先进的防水技术和严格的沉降监测,项目成功解决了底板施工中的一系列技术难题,确保了工程的结构稳定性和耐久性。本文总结的技术经验与措施对类似工程具有重要的参考价值,为提高未来大规模建筑施工的质量与安全提供了实践依据。Taking a commercial building project in Xiangyang as an example, this paper delves into the key technologies involved in large-scale foundation slab construction. It focuses on the analysis of construction joint placement and treatment, waterproofing design and implementation, as well as measures for controlling uneven settlement. The study demonstrates that by employing well-planned construction joint layouts, advanced waterproofing techniques, and stringent settlement monitoring, the project successfully overcame various technical challenges associated with slab construction, ensuring structural stability and durability. The technical insights and practices summarized in this paper offer valuable references for similar projects and contribute to the enhancement of construction quality and safety in large-scale developments.
Management Science and Engineering