“脑卒中”(cerebral stroke)又称“中风”、“脑血管意外”(cerebral vascular accident, CVA)。是一种急性脑血管疾病,是由于脑部血管突然破裂或因血管阻塞导致血液不能流入大脑而引起脑组织损伤的一组疾病。脑卒中已成为当今世界范围内人类第二大致死原因,它与缺血性心脏病、恶性肿瘤构成多数国家的三大致死疾病。中频理疗仪是指通过物理刺激对脑卒中后偏瘫患者的神经功能、运动功能产生影响的仪器。近几年研究表明,中频理疗仪在脑卒中后偏瘫患者康复治疗中起到良好的作用。本文旨在通过查阅知网近几年相关文献,分析中频理疗仪针对脑卒中后偏瘫患者的使用现状及效果。
“Stroke” is also known as “stroke” and“cerebrovascular accident” (CVA). It is a kind of acute cerebrovasculardisease. It is a group of brain tissue damage caused by sudden rupture ofcerebral blood vessels or blood cannot flow into the brain due to vascularobstruction. Stroke has become the second leading cause of death in the world.It, together with ischemic heart disease and malignant tumor, constitutes the three major fatal diseases inmost countries. Intermediate frequency physiotherapy instrument is akind of instrument which can affect the nerve function and motor function ofhemiplegia patients after stroke by physical stimulation. In recent years,studies have shown that the intermediate frequency physiotherapy instrumentplays a good role in the rehabilitation of patients with hemiplegia afterstroke. This paper aims to analyze the current situation and effect ofintermediate frequency physiotherapy instrument for patients with hemiplegiaafter stroke by consulting the relevant literature of HowNet in recent years.
Nursing Science
Medium Frequency Physiotherapy Instrument
Current Situation of Use