目的:研究全面护理干预及健康教育对糖尿病疗养员治疗的影响。方法:随机选定糖尿病疗养员125例(2019年1月~2019年12月期间),随机抽签方式划分为2个小组:对照组与实验组,其中,对照组实施的护理干预措施为:常规护理,实验组实施的护理干预措施为:全面护理干预及健康教育。对组间不同护理干预措施后的空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖、自我管理能力情况(监测血糖、饮食控制、合理运动)与生活质量评分进行指标对比。结果:实验组实施全面护理干预及健康教育之后的空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖均低于对照组,且其自我管理能力情况(监测血糖、饮食控制、合理运动)与生活质量评分指标均分别高于对照组,P 【0.05,差异性显著。结论:对糖尿病疗养员实施全面护理干预及健康教育,可有效控制血糖水平,能够提高糖尿病疗养员的自我管理能力,且其生活质量水平得到提高。
Objective:To study the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention and health educationon the treatment of diabetic recuperators. Methods: 125 patients with diabeteswere randomly selected (from January 2019 to December 2019), and were dividedinto two groups by random lottery: control group and experimental group. Amongthem, the nursing intervention measures implemented in the control group wereroutine nursing, and the nursing intervention measures implemented in theexperimental group were comprehensive nursing intervention and healtheducation. Fasting blood glucose, 2 h postprandial blood glucose,self-management ability (monitoring blood glucose, diet control, reasonableexercise) and quality of life score were compared between groups afterdifferent nursing interventions. Results: The fasting blood glucose and 2 hpostprandial blood glucose of the experimental group after comprehensivenursing intervention and health education were lower than those of the controlgroup, and their self-management ability (monitoring blood glucose, dietcontrol, reasonable exercise) and life quality score indexes were higher thanthose of the control group, respectively, P
Nursing Science