目的:按照江苏省三级综合医院评审标准实施细则(2019年版)建立科学合理的护理绩效动态考核分配方案。方法:在口腔科实施护理人员绩效动态考核分配方案,从医院信息系统中提取数据,从占用床日、收治病人、护理收支结余、护理病区得分四大板块不同权重系数计算绩效总额,其中1%绩效作为护理部科室基金奖励护士,其余部分由院考核办划拨到各病区进行二次考核发放,病区按照护理工作量、工作质量、医德医风及患者满意度4个维度再次考核分配。结果:该方法应用前后,护士对绩效管理的满意度得分由75%提升到95%,差异有统计学意义(X2 = 5.362, P
Objective:To establish a scientific and reasonable dynamic assessment and distributionplan for nursing performance in accordance with the Regulations of theEvaluation Standards of the Three-Level General Hospital in Jiangsu Province(2019 edition). Methods: To implement the dynamic evaluation anddistribution scheme of nursing staff performance in the dental department,extract data from the hospital information system, calculate the totalperformance from the different weight coefficients of the four major sectors ofoccupancy bed day, patient admission, nursing balance and nursing area score,of which 1% performance is awarded to nurses as the nursing department fund,the rest is allocated by the hospital assessment office to each disease areafor secondary assessment and distribution, and the patient’s satisfaction isre-evaluated according to the four dimensions of nursing workload, workquality, medical ethics and patient satisfaction. Results: Before and after theapplication of this method, the satisfaction score of nurses with performance management was increased from 75% to 95%, thedifference was statistically significant (X2 = 5.362, P
Nursing Science