本文总结了国内专科护士的教育、培训方法、资质认定与应用的现状,对比了国外专科护士的培训与应用差距。认为中国应该参考国外的经验做法,进一步完善对国内专科护士的培训与管理,逐步建立标准化的专科护士培训系统,进一步完善全国专科护士培训基地体系,进一步健全执业资格考评与认定体系。对专科护士的职位设计、培训要求、岗位任务等方面,建立较完善的管理体系与规范。This paper summarizes the current situation of education, training methods, qualification and application of specialized nurses in China and compares the gap between the training and application of specialized nurses in foreign countries. It is believed that China should refer to foreign experiences and practices to further improve the training and management of domestic nurse specialists, gradually establish a standardized training system for nurse specialists, further improve the system of national nurse specialists’ training bases, and further improve the system of practice qualification assessment and recognition. A better management system and standardization of the position design, training requirements and tasks of specialized nurses should be established.
Nursing Science