随着我国经济不断的发展和人口老龄的加剧,急性脑卒中患病率逐年增长,因急性脑卒中黄金抢救时间短、预后较差,所以尽早的采取有效的抢救措施、提供急诊快捷护理对抢救急性脑卒中的效果有很大影响。文章主要利用文献归纳法对急诊快捷护理和急性脑卒中患者抢救效果的相关文献进行梳理,归纳急诊快捷护理对急性脑卒中抢救效果的影响的国内外发展历程,发现有效的院前急救、创建急诊护理创新绿色通道干预、将患者诊疗信息以及流程等内容纳入卒中数据库等方法能有效缩短入院抢救时间以及加强抢救效果。With the continuous development of our economy and the aging of the population, the prevalence rate of acute stroke is increasing year by year. Due to the short golden rescue time and poor prognosis of acute stroke, taking effective rescue measures as early as possible and providing emergency quick nursing have a great impact on the rescue effect of acute stroke. In this paper, literature induction is mainly used to comb the literature related to emergency nursing and rescue effect of acute stroke patients, and summarize the domestic and foreign development history of the impact of emergency nursing on rescue effect of acute stroke patients. It was found that effective pre-hospital first aid, the creation of innovative green channel intervention in emergency care, and the inclusion of patient diagnosis and treatment information and procedures into the stroke database can effectively shorten the time of hospitalization and strengthen the rescue effect.
Nursing Science