本文介绍了γ-γ符合法测量放射源活度的基本原理,阐述实验过程中为达到最高精度,各个插件参数的设置方法;详细讨论了测量时间对测量结果的影响,并讨论在该条件下符合法测量源活度能够达到的精度。实验结果表明:最佳测量时间为100 s;符合法实验测得60Co放射源的活度为142,620 ±924 Bq,测量精度为308 Bq,测量结果的相对偏差为0.217%;实验所得的源活度与实验时源的参考活度相对偏差为1.09%,在误差范围内一致。
This paper introduces the basic principle of γ-γ coincidence method for measuring the activity of radioactive source, and the setting method of each plug-in parameter is described in order to achieve the highest precision. The influence of the measurement time on the measurement results is discussed in detail, and the accuracy of the measurement method can be achieved under the condition of the method. The experimental results show that the best measurement time is 100 s. The activity of the 60Co radioactive source is 142,620 ±924 Bq, the measurement accuracy is 308 Bq, and the relative deviation of the measurement result is 0.217%. The experiment turns out that the activity and experimental time the relative deviation of the reference activity of the source is 1.09%, which is consistent within the error range.
Nuclear Science and Technology