Space nuclear reactor power supply is an inevitable choice for future space exploration energy, and has gradually become a global research hotpot in recent years. The critical conditions under accidental conditions are crucial for the performance and safety of space nuclear reactors. Aiming at the TOPAZ-II thermionic reactor, this study presents an optimization method for the problem that the reactor reactivity can not meet the safety requirements under accident conditions. The results show that only rotating control drum can make TOPAZ-II in a critical safety state under the accident of reflector falling off;in the event of water and wet sand immersion, keff grows very fast, neither the rotary control drum nor the safety drum can effectively reduce the reactivity, and the reactor cannot reach a critical safety state. To solve this problem, optimize the control drum and safety drum. The content of optimization is to change the thickness of boron components contained in the drum and the enrichment degree of 10B at the same time, calculate the keff value under each change, and obtain the fitting curve of the relationship between keff and the thickness of boron components and the enrichment degree of 10B. According to the fitting curve, establish a set of optimization methods to meet the safety requirements. This optimization method can provide reference value for future space reactor design.
Nuclear Science and Technology