星斑川鲽(Platichthys stellatus)是我国北方重要的海水经济养殖品种,具有广温、广盐、抗逆性强、生长快等优点,且营养价值较高。目前,国内外有关该鱼的营养需求及饲料研究已经有一些报道,但是对某些营养素的研究还是空白。本文综述了星斑川鲽对蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、脂肪酸、碳水化合物和微量营养素的需求,蛋白源和脂肪源替代鱼粉和鱼油,功能性饲料添加剂应用等方面的研究进展,旨在为星斑川鲽的精准营养研究及优质高效配合饲料的开发提供参考资料,从而推动其养殖业的健康可持续发展。
The starry flounder Platichthys stellatus is a marine fish species with important economic value;it has the advantages of wide temperature, wide salt, strong stress resistance and fast growth. Up to now, there have been a lot of reports on its nutritional requirements and feed, however studies on some nutrients are still absent. This paper summarized the requirements of starry flounder on protein, amino acids, lipid, fatty acids, carbohydrate and micronutrient, as well as the application of functional feed additives. We hope that this review can provide reference for the study of accurate nutrition and development of high-efficient and environment-friendly formula feed, and thus promote the healthy and sustainable development of Platichthys stellatus aquaculture industry.
Open Journal of Fisheries Research