

Study on the Conversion of the School into an Academy in the Late Qing Dynasty in the Guisui Area
摘要 书院改设学堂是清末教育改革中建立新式学堂的一个重要举措,归绥书院改设学堂从1903年开始至1911年结束,先后共有六所书院在七年时间里完成了改制。作为传统教育的代表,书院在改设学堂的历程中产生了众多变化。其教育目的从培养科举士人转变至培育学贯中西的新式人才;教育内容从蒙满汉文、四书五经变化到增加洋文、算学等西方课程;组织管理人员也有了新的称呼和来源。这些变化都体现着归绥地区新式教育的发展进步。这次书院改设学堂实际是一次政府的强制性改制,因此其中必然存在经费不足、改制不够彻底等问题。但是作为传统教育的一次变革,这次改设也产生了积极影响。改设举措本身就是归绥教育近代化的标志,与此同时书院改设学堂对归绥地区其他学堂建立以及民国时期新式学校的成立也有一定的表率作用。 The transformation of academies into schools was an important measure in the education reform of the late Qing Dynasty to establish a new type of school. Guisui Academy’s transformation into schools began in 1903 and ended in 1911, with a total of six academies completing the transformation in seven years. As a representative of traditional education, academies have undergone numerous changes in the process of transforming into schools. The educational purpose has shifted from cultivating imperial examination scholars to cultivating modern talents who are proficient in both Chinese and Western learning;the content of education has changed from Mongolian and Manchu Chinese and Four Books and Five Classics to adding Western courses such as foreign language and numeracy;organizational management personnel have also gained new titles and sources. These changes reflect the development and progress of new education in the Guisui region. The transformation of the academy into a school is actually a mandatory restructuring by the government, so there will inevitably be problems such as insufficient funding and incomplete restructuring. However, as a transformation of traditional education, this reform has also had a positive impact. The reform measures themselves are a symbol of the modernization of education in Guisui region, and at the same time, the establishment of other schools in Guisui region and the establishment of new style schools during the Republic of China also have a certain exemplary role.
作者 杨惠
出处 《历史学研究》 2023年第3期213-223,共11页 Open Journal of Historical Studies
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