The system of fair use of trademarks includes descriptive fair use and indicative fair use. In China's trademark legislation, only descriptive fair use of trademarks is clearly stated, without any provi-sions for indicative fair use of trademarks, which cannot meet the actual needs. The investigation of judicial practice found that although the legislation has not been properly named, the local courts have recognized the indicative fair use of trademarks as a defense. However, the determination of its constituent elements is still controversial, and judicial practice still has the phenomenon of dif-ferent judgments in the same case. The author thinks that the constituent elements of indicative fair use of trademark should include the necessity of use, the purpose of good faith and the limit of use, and the possibility of confusion should not be regarded as the constituent elements. It is sug-gested that the system of indicative fair use of trademarks should be written into law as soon as possible in order to reduce the conflicts and uncertainties in judicial practice.
Open Journal of Legal Science