

Online Non-Litigation Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Online Consumption Disputes
摘要 随着4G、5G时代的到来,我国的网络实现了飞速的发展,给人们的生活带来了明显的改变,较为突出的就是越来越多的人加入到了网购的行列中来。日常生活中,民事纠纷大量存在,网购中也不例外。在网络平台交易的过程中,会发生许多纠纷,这些纠纷具有标的额小、数量多的特征,如果坚持用传统的机制来应对,则会造成大量的时间、金钱浪费,传统的纠纷解决机制已经不再适合网络交易纠纷了,于是一种更加高效便捷的机制出现了——网络消费纠纷在线非诉讼纠纷解决机制。对于线上网络纠纷解决机制的研究,将以淘宝平台模式为例进行论述,选择淘宝平台模式是因为,根据目前的调查显示,淘宝在电商平台中位居首位,以它为例具有较强的代表性。 With the advent of the era of 4G and 5G, China’s network has achieved rapid development, bringing obvious changes to people’s lives. More and more people have joined the ranks of online shopping. In daily life, civil disputes abound, and online shopping is no exception. In the process of network platform trading, many disputes may arise. These disputes have the characteristics of small amount and large quantity of subject matter if you insist on using traditional mechanisms to deal with, it can cause a lot of time, waste of money, the traditional dispute resolution mechanism is no longer suitable for network disputes, so a more efficient and convenient mechanism appeared: network online consumer disputes non-litigation dispute resolution mechanism. For the study of online dispute resolution mechanism, the model of Taobao platform will be taken as an example to discuss. Taobao platform model is chosen because, according to the current survey, Taobao ranks the first among e-commerce platforms, and taking it as an example has strong representation.
作者 王奕心
出处 《法学(汉斯)》 2023年第3期1485-1490,共6页 Open Journal of Legal Science
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  • 1刘满达.论争议的在线解决[J].法学,2002(8):44-51. 被引量:20
  • 2联合国贸易发展委员会.《电子商务示范法》第15条的规定.
  • 3消永平.《肖永平论冲突法》,武汉大学出版社,2002年版,第429页.
  • 4韩德培主编.《国际私法新论》,武汉大学出版社,1996年版,第671页.
  • 5Clicknsettel. corn website available at http://www, clicknsettel.com (last visited sept 22,2002).
  • 6Squaretrade.com website available at http://www, squaretrade.com (last visited sept 24,2002).
  • 7http:// www . squartrade . eom/odr/jsp.
  • 8see Amazon.com website, available at http://www.amazon, com/exec/obidos/subst/misc/policy(last visited Sept 24,2002).
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  • 10see Article IV, Section 1 of the US. Constitution.








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