The right to delete personal information is an important right of the subject of personal information, which is a specific way for the subject of personal information to decide on the processing of personal information based on his own will, and also provides legislative protection for the information processor to ensure that the subject of information enjoys the right to decide on his own information. Throughout China’s civil legislation, it has clear provisions on this right. The right to delete personal information was first stipulated in the Network Security Law, and was clearly refined in Article 1037 of the Civil Code. Article 47 of the Personal Information Protection Law, which was introduced in 2021, has refined the right to delete personal information and increased the level of protection of personal information. However, in practice, there are cases of abuse of the right to delete personal information, and the current legislation does not clearly stipulate the circumstances in which the right to delete personal information cannot be exercised. Without the necessary restrictions on the exercise of the right, the boundaries of the right will be breached. In this paper, we analyze and argue, through comparative analysis, the circumstances in which the right to erasure of personal information should be exercised with the necessary restrictions.
Open Journal of Legal Science