

Analysis on the Legal Regulation of the New Monopolistic Behavior of Internet Platform
摘要 在网络经济日益发达的今天,很多以互联网平台为依托的商业模式以及新型信息媒介不断涌现。在此背景下,各国都将反垄断执法的重心从传统企业转移到互联网平台,并通过制定或完善相关法律法规来加强对互联网平台垄断行为的规制。然而,近年来,随着互联网市场力量的扩大化,互联网平台滥用市场支配地位和竞争政策,采用排他交易与算法垄断等具有高度隐蔽性和复杂性的新型垄断行为的出现,也给反垄断执法带来极大挑战。同时,我国目前的反垄断法律制度还存在一定缺陷,导致监管体系不健全,也造成互联网平台的新型垄断行为无法得到有效监管和遏制。因此,如何建立适合我国国情的互联网平台反垄断法律规则,是提升反垄断执法水平的首要问题。本文针对这一主题展开探索,首先阐述了互联网平台新型垄断行为的类型,然后分析了互联网平台新型垄断行为的反垄断规制困境,最后提出了互联网平台新型垄断行为的反垄断规制优化建议。希望以此提升我国的互联网平台反垄断执法水平,规范网络经济市场的健康发展。 In today’s increasingly developed network economy, many business models and new information media based on the Internet platform continue to emerge. In this context, all countries shift the focus of anti-monopoly law enforcement from traditional enterprises to Internet platforms, and strengthen the regulation of Internet platform monopoly behavior by formulating or improving relevant laws and regulations. However, in recent years, with the expansion of Internet market power, the emergence of highly hidden and complex new monopolistic behaviors, such as the abuse of dominant market position and competition policy by Internet platforms, the use of exclusive trading and algorithmic monopoly, has also brought great challenges to anti-monopoly law enforcement. At the same time, there are still some defects in the current anti-monopoly law system in our country, which lead to the imperfect supervision system, and also the new monopoly behavior of Internet platforms cannot be effectively supervised and contained. Therefore, how to establish the anti-monopoly legal rules of Internet platforms suitable for our national conditions is the first issue to promote the level of anti-monopoly enforcement. This paper explores this topic. Firstly, it expounds the types of new monopolistic behaviors of Internet platforms, then analyzes the dilemma of anti-monopoly regulation of new monopolistic behaviors of Internet platforms, and finally puts forward suggestions on anti-monopoly regulation optimization of new monopolistic behaviors of Internet platforms. We hope to improve the level of anti-monopoly law enforcement on Internet platforms and standardize the healthy development of network economic market.
作者 黄成金
机构地区 宁波大学法学院
出处 《法学(汉斯)》 2023年第4期3233-3239,共7页 Open Journal of Legal Science
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