当今时代发展日新月异,人类社会已经进入信息革命时代。随着人工智能技术的深入发展,对社会状况也产生了深层次的结构性影响,在所有关于人工智能研究问题中,最首要也最核心的问题当属研究人工智能法律主体地位的问题。对于弱人工智能,现行法律足以规制;而对于强人工智能,法律应当赋予其有限民事主体地位。文章采用文献研究法,比较分析法,通过梳理总结现有研究和文献,就学界中是否赋予人工智能法律主体地位的不同观点进行归纳整合、比较分析,厘清学界中对于该问题的研究现状,发现现有研究存在的问题包括:1) 研究对象不明;2) 论证不充分;3) 法律规制欠缺理论与实践性。进一步从必要性、民事权利能力、行为能力、责任能力有限性四个方面论证赋予强人工智能有限民事主体地位之合理性,以期能为充实国内关于人工智能的相关研究提供一定价值。
Today, human society has entered the era of information revolution. With the in-depth development of artificial intelligence technology, it also has a profound structural impact on social conditions. Among all the research issues on artificial intelligence, the most primary and core issue is the study of the legal subject status of artificial intelligence. For weak AI existing laws are sufficient to regulate it, while for strong AI, the law should grant it the status of a limited civil subject. The article adopts the literature research method and the comparative analysis method to summarize the existing research and literature, summarize and integrate the different views on whether AI should be granted the status of a legal subject, and clarify the current status of research on this issue in the academic field, and find that the existing research problems include: 1) The research object;2) Inadequate arguments;3) Lack of theoretical and practical legal regulation. In this paper, we further argue for the reasonableness of granting limited civil subject status to strong artificial intelligence from four aspects: necessity, limited civil rights capacity, capacity to act and limited liability capacity, with a view to providing some value to enrich the relevant research on artificial intelligence in China.
Open Journal of Legal Science