利用龙泉驿区气象局1980~2019年近40年逐日降水观测资料与2009~2019年19个自动站的逐时降水观测资料,采用多项式插值和反距离权重插值等方法,分析了龙泉驿区暴雨的时空变化特征,得到以下结果:1) 近40年来暴雨量、暴雨日数、暴雨强度存在明显的年际变化,其旬、候变化呈现单峰型。2) 近40年来夏季暴雨量、暴雨日数在多年来暴雨中占比最高,暴雨主要集中在7、8月份。3) 在空间上,暴雨量、暴雨日数整体呈现南北高中西低,暴雨强度整体呈现东高西低。
Based on the daily precipitation observation data of Longquanyi Meteorological Bureau from 1980 to 2019 and hourly precipitation observation data of 19 automatic stations from 2009 to 2019, the methods of polynomial interpolation and inverse distance weight interpolation are adopted, and the following results were obtained: 1) For 40 years, the precipitation of rainstorm, the days of rainstorm and the intensity of rainstorm have obvious inter-annual variation, and its ten-day and pentad variation presents a single peak pattern. 2) For 40 years, the precipitation of rainstorm and the days of rainstorm in summer accounted for the highest proportion of the rainstorm in many years, and the rainstorm mainly concentrated in July and August. 3) From the spatial point of view, the precipitation and days of rainstorm were higher in the north and south, lower in the middle and west, while the intensity of rainstorm was higher in the east and lower in the west.
Open Journal of Nature Science