

Research Hotspot and Development Trend of Smart City—Visualization Analysis Based on CiteSpace
摘要 《“十四五”全国城市基础设施建设规划》提出,加快新型城市基础设施建设,推进城市智慧化转型发展。新时代推进智慧城市建设是提升城市管理水平和运行效率、增强城市安全韧性的必然要求。智慧城市建设不仅可以提高城市管理的效率和质量,优化城市资源的利用和分配,还可以改善城市生态环境,提升居民生活质量。本文以中国知网作为数据库来源,将2010~2022年以“智慧城市”为主题和关键词的CSSCI文献作为研究对象,利用CiteSpace对686条文献进行量化和可视化分析,总结智慧城市领域的研究热点和发展趋势。结果表明:2010~2022年智慧城市的研究热度持续上升,电子政务、数字城市、城市治理、智慧社区等是该领域的研究热点。 The 14th Five-Year Plan for National Urban Infrastructure Construction proposes to speed up the construction of new urban infrastructure and promote the transformation and development of smart cities. Promoting the construction of smart cities in the new era is an inevitable requirement for improving urban management and operation efficiency, and enhancing urban safety and resilience. Smart city construction can not only improve the efficiency and quality of urban management, optimize the utilization and distribution of urban resources, but also improve the ecological environment of the city and residents’ quality of life. This paper takes China National Knowledge Infrastructure as the database source, takes the CSSCI literature with the theme and keywords of “smart city” from 2010 to 2022 as the research object, uses CiteSpace to conduct quantitative and visual analysis of 686 literatures, and summarizes the research hotspot and development trend in the field of smart city. The results show that from 2010 to 2022, the research heat of smart cities continues to rise, e-government, digital city, urban governance and smart community are the research hotspots in this field.
作者 郝敏杰
出处 《运筹与模糊学》 2023年第3期2396-2405,共10页 Operations Research and Fuzziology
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