

Research Progress and Trend Comparison of Digital Government at Home and Abroad in Recent 20 Years—Visual Knowledge Graph Analysis Based on CiteSpace
摘要 数字政府作为公共治理与数字技术深度融合的产物,其学术研究成果不仅是数字时代特征的集中体现,而且对于实现国家治理现代化具有十分重要的理论指导意义。本文借助文献可视化工具CiteSpace软件,在中国知网数据库和Web of Science数据库中分别检索得到的近20年有关数字政府的3177篇中文文献与4412篇外文文献进行了可视化分析,并对其研究进展及趋势进行了比较。研究发现,国外数字政府的研究成果相对丰富且起步较早,但国内数字政府研究的文献数量已呈现出赶超国外的趋势;国外发文主体之间的联系相对国内而言更密切,国内发文主体更倾向于同机构内合作;受到国家环境的影响,国外数字政府的相关研究在与计算机、科学技术等相关方向上的发文较为丰富,国内数字政府的相关研究在与行政、政治、宏观等相关方向上发文较为丰富;国外数字政府研究的规模较为稳定,热点话题总体时间跨度相对较大,路径也相对更为复杂,但国内数字政府研究在热点聚焦方面更优于国外。 As a product of the deep integration of public governance and digital technology, the academic research results of digital government are not only the concentrated embodiment of the characteristics of the digital age, but also have very important theoretical guiding significance for realizing the modernization of national governance. With the help of literature visualization tool CiteSpace software, this paper makes a visual analysis of 3177 Chinese literatures and 4412 foreign literatures on digital government in the past 20 years retrieved from CNKI database and Web of Science database respectively, and compares their research progress and trends. The study found that the research results of foreign digital government are relatively rich and started earlier, but the number of domestic digital government research literature has shown a trend of catching up with foreign countries. The connection between foreign publishing entities is closer than that in China, and domestic publishing entities are more inclined to cooperate with institutions. Influenced by the national environment, the related research of foreign digital government is more abundant in the direction of computer, science and technology, and the related research of domestic digital government is more abundant in the direction of administration, politics and macro. The scale of foreign digital government research is relatively stable, the overall time span of hot topics is relatively large, and the path is relatively more complex, but domestic digital government research is better than foreign countries in terms of hot spot focus.
作者 邱子清
出处 《运筹与模糊学》 2023年第4期3906-3919,共14页 Operations Research and Fuzziology
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