当前,员工职业倦怠现象非常普遍,研究其影响因素有助于降低员工离职率,提高组织绩效。本研究通过向有工作经验的员工发放问卷,探究组织惰性和职业倦怠间的内在机制。共获得有效问卷257份,对其进行数据处理,结合我国组织情境,运用层级回归和结构方程模型分析,研究结果显示:(1) 组织惰性与职业倦怠显著正相关。(2) 角色压力在组织倦怠对职业倦怠的影响中起部分中介作用。(3) 公司成立年限负向调节组织惰性与角色压力之间的关系。
Employee burnout is now common, and studying its contributing factors can help reduce employee turnover and improve organizational performance. This study examines the underlying mechanism between organizational inertia and burnout by sending questionnaires to employees with work experience. A total of 257 valid questionnaires were obtained, data were processed, and combined with the organizational situation in China, hierarchical regression and structural equation model analysis were used, and the results showed that: (1) organizational inertia was significantly positively correlated with burnout. (2) Role stress plays a part-mediating role in the influence of organizational burnout on burnout. (3) The company’s established years negatively regulate the relationship between organizational inertia and role pressure.
Operations Research and Fuzziology