

Research on Indicators of Age-Friendly Environment in the Context of Positive Aging—Taking Zhejiang Province as an Example
摘要 随着老龄化程度的加深,老年人的生活质量需要引起关注,而建设老年友好环境关系对提升老年人的晚年生活质量有着非常重要的作用。本文在积极老龄化的背景下,结合国内外的相关理论研究,提出了老年友好环境的概念,并筛选出相关指标,根据数据分析老年友好环境中的各项指标对老年人口的影响程度。基于浙江省2007~2020年统计年鉴数据,采用灰色关联分析法分析各指标与老年人口比例的相关程度,并对最终得出的系数进行聚类分析。研究结果发现,各项指标均与老年人口比例成正相关,且住房、文化因素中的城镇居民人均住房面积、公园数量、非租赁住房比例指标与老年人口比例的关联程度最大。最后,基于研究结果进行深入的讨论:老年友好环境中的各项指标与老龄化程度是相互影响的关系,文化生活和居住环境的改善可以较大程度地满足老年人心理、生理的双重需求,从而提升老年人的晚年生活质量。同时,老龄化程度的加速也促进居住环境的改善以及推动相关文化产业的发展。 With the deepening of aging, the quality of life of the elderly needs to be paid attention to, and the construction of an age-friendly environmental relationship plays a very important role in enhancing the quality of life of the elderly in their later years. In this paper, in the context of active aging, combined with relevant theoretical research at home and abroad, the concept of age-friendly environment is proposed, and relevant indicators are screened to analyze the degree of influence of indicators in age-friendly environment on the elderly population according to the data. Based on the statistical yearbook data of Zhejiang Province from 2007 to 2020, gray correlation analysis was used to analyze the degree of correlation between each indicator and the proportion of the elderly population, and the final coefficients were analyzed by clustering. The results of the study found that all indicators are positively correlated with the proportion of elderly population, and the indicators of per capita housing area of urban residents, the number of parks, and the proportion of non-rental housing among housing and cultural factors have the greatest degree of correlation with the proportion of elderly population, and finally, based on the results of the study, in-depth discussions are carried out: the indicators in the age-friendly environment are in a relationship of mutual influence with the degree of aging, and the improvement of the cultural life and the living environment. The improvement of cultural life and living environment can satisfy the psychological and physiological needs of the elderly to a greater extent, thus enhancing the quality of life of the elderly in their later years, and at the same time, the acceleration of the degree of aging also promotes the improvement of the living environment as well as the development of the related cultural industry.
作者 诸侠鸣
出处 《运筹与模糊学》 2024年第1期1-13,共13页 Operations Research and Fuzziology
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