考虑的队列模型为具有随时间变化的到达率和服务台个数,服从H2*服务时间分布,顾客放弃服从一般的概率分布。通过分析Gt / H2* / st +GI队列模型的一个序列,对队首等待时间进行表示,建立队首等待时间的泛函弱大数定律,并给出证明。
This article considered the queuing model, having time-varying arrival rate and staffing, H2* ser-vice times and customer abandonment according to a general probability distribution, analyzed a sequence of Gt / H2* / st +GI queue model, expressed the head of line (HOL) waiting time and ob-tained the Functional weak law of large numbers of HOL waiting time, and proved it.
Pure Mathematics