Matching theory in graph is a classical problem in graph theory, and also has very widely applications in real life. However, the traditional matching theory can only solve the problem of one-to-one personnel allocation, and the traditional one-to-one matching can not solve the problem of multi-person group allocation that determines the group leader, thus putting forward the concept of star matching. Complete bipartite graph K1,s is called star graph. Two star graphs K1,s without no common vertex in the graph G are called independent star graphs, and we call that the set MK1,s(G) consisting of mutually independent star graphs K1;s is a K1,s-matching of the graph G, simply star matching. The maximum cardinality of MK1,s(G) is called K1;s-matching number of G, simply star matching number. We call that a vertex v of some maximum star matching MK1,s(G) is saturated by MK1,s(G). If the maximum star matchingMK1,s(G) saturated all of vertices of G, then MK1,s(G) is called perfect star matching. In this paper, by using the method of classification discussion, we present some bounds and necessary and sufficient conditions of containing star matchings in some special graphs;Moreover, we give the sufficient conditions of containing perfect star matchings in perfect binary trees and perfect p-ary trees, and give the exactly values of perfect star matching numbers of perfect binary trees and perfect p-ary trees.
Pure Mathematics