图形的着色问题,通常指的是图论中的一个经典问题,即如何给图的顶点着色,使得不相邻的两个顶点具有相同的颜色,同时使用尽可能少的颜色。这个问题在数学上被称为图的顶点着色问题,是图论中的一个重要分支。在电路设计、交通规划、资源调度等实际问题中得到广泛的应用。The graph coloring problem, commonly referred to in graph theory, is the classic issue of how to color the vertices of a graph such that two non-adjacent vertices have the same color, while using the minimum number of colors possible. This problem is mathematically known as the graph vertex coloring problem and is an important branch of graph theory. It is widely applied in practical issues such as circuit design, traffic planning, and resource scheduling.
Pure Mathematics