近年来,互联网和科学技术的发展加快,加之后疫情时代以及政策的推动,新零售模式逐渐形成,以Z世代人群为代表的年轻消费人群对于产品品牌、质量与体验的需求剧增。基于此,本文以咖啡品牌为例,选用问卷调查法对咖啡品牌零售模式的变化趋势、上海市年轻消费者的消费理念、消费偏好进行了调研。之后运用相关性分析、因子分析和聚类分析对受访消费者的特征进行划分;另外,还使用竞品分析法对比了一些具有代表性的咖啡品牌。最后,基于调研与实证分析的结果,提出了相关建议,为行业发展提供参考。In recent years, the development of the Internet and science and technology has accelerated. The post-epidemic age and policies has also promoted a brand-new retail model and young consumers represented by Generation Z have a rapid increase in demand for the quality, service and experience of products. Based on this, the paper takes coffee brands as an example, the questionnaire survey method is used to analyze the changing trend of the retail model of coffee, the consumption concept and preference of young consumers in Shanghai. Then, correlation analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis are used to divide the interviewed consumers by characteristics. In addition, the analysis of competitive products is also used to compare some representative brands. Finally, based on the results of research and empirical analysis, relevant suggestions are put forward to provide reference for the development of the industry.
Pure Mathematics