Onthe basis of some conditions for the application of partial least squaresregression analysis and multivariate linear regression analysis in this paper, wecan conclude that partial least squares regression (PLS) can effectivelyimprove multicollinearity of variables. When the sample size is less than thenumber of variables, it also can be used to do regression modeling. Then, from 12groups of sample data of Tobacco consumption control in Honghe CigaretteFactory, we have analyzed and compared the results of partial least squaresregression modeling and multivariate linear regression modeling in the paper.It has shown that the significant factors affecting the single box consumptionare single case of Wasting, single case of Running, single case of Packet rejectionand single case of Short excluded volume. Therefore, the work of the cigarettefactory in the process of reducing the cost should be firstly controlling thesefour single box loss indicators, so that we will achieve the immediate results.
Statistical and Application